Admitting you have a problem is the first step right? I really do think I started out a pretty good blogger but I'm not really sure what happened. I think it's a combination of life getting busier with 2 and the anxiety that builds as time passes between posts and you think of all of the treasured moments that have come and passed unrecorded, that will be lost forever. I have guilt for many things in my life and I have voluntarily added another thing to constantly nag at me at the back of my mind. I mean how hard is it really--get it together! So for all you haters out there here are a few posts to keep you off my back for awhile.
p.s We put up our Christmas lights today--tis the season and I'm so so excited!!
8 years ago
That video of Jack and Ruby is so cute. That move I use to watch on WWf that Rick Flair use to do. Ask Brian, he may remember watching wrestling as a kid. HAHAH so cute. Glad you are back in bloggin mode.
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