Monday, October 1, 2007

Fall TV

Just a shout out to fall! I'm so glad to wear jeans and layers and even more stoked that all my shows have started up again. LOVED the office premiere--and can you get better TV than The Bachelor? The first episode was filled with even more awkward moments than any other season. That show is genius and by far one of my favorite guilty pleasures. "Heroes "is as crazy as ever--who killed Hiro's dad and where's Syler (sp?)? OOh, can't wait....and last but definitely not least"America's next top model"--fierce! I love to watch how much Tyra is in love with herself! Anyone know when "Lost" starts up again?


Nicki said...

Sadly, it doesn't start until February!!! They are doing it like 24 this season how they go straight through with no re-runs in between. I guess we have to learn patience.

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