It's a girl and a pretty cute one if I do say so myself. She was born Jan. 4th. 7lbs 12 oz 19 1/2 inches long. Honestly we were kind of surprised it was a girl (sorry brian) and even MORE surprised at her head full of black hair! (p.s. our mailman is Asian) I so hope that it will stay dark and I'm pretty sure she's going to have blue eyes like her sister--beautiful!
My recovery from the C-section was so much better than the last 2. No throwing up, infection, or severe pain like before. The sadest part of the whole experience was during the surgery, the doctor said that I had a ton of scar tissue and my uterus is super super thin. He strongly advised us not to have any more children because there would be a huge risk of rupture and it would be very dangerous for me and the baby. Brian and I had always kind of felt like we wanted 4 kids and it has been very emotional for me.
On the positive side, it has made me savor every moment of this beautiful girl. I can't stop kissing her, cuddling her, and staring at each of her perfect little features. I don't even mind the middle of the night feedings, knowing that each day she will get bigger and less and less of a newborn, and then less like a baby until one day she is all grown up. I just want to freeze her.
We are so blessed and thankful for the 3 lives that have been entrusted to our care: each healthy, happy and each filling us with so much joy. Welcome to the world tess olivia--
p.s. thanks to my dear friend Kristy for this darling picture and more to come. so talented.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
meet tess olivia
Posted by
1:48 PM
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas!!
We won't be sending out Christmas cards this year due to the fact that our newest family member will be here in 11 days and we didn't want he/she to feel left out of the family photo! (or it might have something to do with my swollen feet and face :) We feel so blessed this year! Especially this time of year we are thankful for the birth and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We wish you all the best and hope your family is happy and healthy. Stay tuned for some much needed updates and yes, a belly pic in there too! LOVE YOU ALL!!
Posted by
3:07 PM
Sunday, October 11, 2009
i know..i know....
This should stop the nagging while I'm working on a post with all the highlights of the summer. See they're still alive and they're still pretty cute!
Posted by
9:22 AM
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I definitely needed this today...
I have been know to enjoy a good dance party at my house every now and then. I now realize I need to start working on Jack's moves a little more if he's ever going to compete with this kid. I was especially entertained by the fervor with which he "slapped" the booty :) Hope it makes you smile--i needed it today....
Posted by
8:40 PM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Cure for sandy cheeks!!
SO I recently went to the beach with some friends and picked up this gem that I HAD to pass on. I was stripping down Ruby after a few hours at the beach, swimsuit filled with sand. How am I going to get this all off to put her diaper on without rubbing her raw?! My friend Brittany says all nonchalant, "oh don't you use baby powder?" "What?" I've never heard of using that. She hands it to me, I sprinkled some on--and ALL of the sand literally falls right off when you dust it off--miracle!! Added bonus is they smell all fresh and baby-like! How could I have grown up my entire life on the beach and not know this...crazy! All you mommies, go out and grab some today seriously!!
Posted by
2:07 PM
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
and baby makes 3!!
I am pregnant with Lombardi baby #3! I can hardly believe it. Sometimes I think we're insane and I want to take it back--but most days I'm excited to see what this new little member of our family will be like. When did this all happen? Life just seems to be passing much too quickly! I have been much more sick with this one, but I think I've turned a corner! and guess what....WE'RE NOT FINDING OUT THE GENDER!! Those of you who know me well know that this is so not like me. I found out the gender at 13 wks with Jack and 14 wks with Ruby. We figure hey we've got 1 of each and we have to have another c-section (so we'll know exactly when it's coming) so we would LOVE a fun surprise. Now I'm super excited not to know and surprise all of our friends and family on the big day.....any guesses??
p.s. I figure with a fun announcement, you'll forgive me for NEVER updating my blog and making you look at that lame pink ribbon every time you come!
Posted by
1:47 PM