Monday, March 30, 2009

i just need to tell myself...

potty training + sick kid + house bound for a week = unhappy mama


Robertsons said...

that sucks...PS love that your up & blogging again!

Ali B. said...

Cute blog Dawn! I love the set up!

Katie said...

Hey Dawn! How are you guys? LOL, besides the needed to get through it thing. I feel the same way! Did you lose my link? If so its

Melissa said...

I finally found your blog! It's so cute...but sorry about the potty training. Not that this is any consolation, but Natalie took about 8 months to fully potty train, so believe me, I feel your pain.

The Raica Family said...

I laughed when I saw your sign.
It is going to be OK.....this to will pass....the reminders we need as Mothers!

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