Monday, March 30, 2009

i just need to tell myself...

potty training + sick kid + house bound for a week = unhappy mama

a little time with the girls

Last weekend I had a much needed weekend with some of my favorite girlfriends. Who doesn't love a little vegas right? We spent the drive up reminiscing about the good ol' days back in the alabama house. Immediately after arriving, we picked up Sara and drove directly to Cafe Rio which happened to be having "free food day" umm okay. We'll wait in line 20 minutes. If possible the $0 price tag made it all the more tasty! The next day in loo of the pool (turned freezing) we got our shop on. There might have been a mani pedi in there as well. I didn't change one single diaper and I didn't spend all of dinner trying to get Ruby to stop climbing out of her high chair. Most of all we just enjoyed our time together and remembering why i love these girls so much.

p.s. thanks to my dear husband for watching the kiddies all weekend.

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