Thursday, January 28, 2010

meet tess olivia

It's a girl and a pretty cute one if I do say so myself. She was born Jan. 4th. 7lbs 12 oz 19 1/2 inches long. Honestly we were kind of surprised it was a girl (sorry brian) and even MORE surprised at her head full of black hair! (p.s. our mailman is Asian) I so hope that it will stay dark and I'm pretty sure she's going to have blue eyes like her sister--beautiful!

My recovery from the C-section was so much better than the last 2. No throwing up, infection, or severe pain like before. The sadest part of the whole experience was during the surgery, the doctor said that I had a ton of scar tissue and my uterus is super super thin. He strongly advised us not to have any more children because there would be a huge risk of rupture and it would be very dangerous for me and the baby. Brian and I had always kind of felt like we wanted 4 kids and it has been very emotional for me.

On the positive side, it has made me savor every moment of this beautiful girl. I can't stop kissing her, cuddling her, and staring at each of her perfect little features. I don't even mind the middle of the night feedings, knowing that each day she will get bigger and less and less of a newborn, and then less like a baby until one day she is all grown up. I just want to freeze her.

We are so blessed and thankful for the 3 lives that have been entrusted to our care: each healthy, happy and each filling us with so much joy. Welcome to the world tess olivia--

p.s. thanks to my dear friend Kristy for this darling picture and more to come. so talented.

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